TD Mattie McGrath Reports A Development In The Case Of Sean Meehan


Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath says there may be a development in the case of New Inn man Sean Meehan today. Mr Meehan and his representatives are understood to be in talks with the council in respect of resolving a planning enforcement issue for his residence in New Inn. The council has refused retention and planning permission for the home which is a mobile home on his own land that is enhanced by cladding to give a log cabin type appearance. Mr Meehan is to appear in Court on April 4th to respond to a court instruction to remove the structure by March 14th last.

Deputy McGrath says he wants a statutory instrument to be issued by the Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien  instructing councils not to take enforcement proceedings when to do so would cause homelessness. The Dáil heard on Thursday that a Statutory Instrument cannot be issued once enforcement proceedings have begun – despite this Deputy McGrath says the Minster could issue the order with a ten year limit to provide comfort for many in situations similar to Mr Meehan. 

Deputy McGrath says the council are moving the goalposts for Mr Meehan as to how he can become compliant and has now given the council a deadline of 5pm today to reach a solution or he will instigate action to compel the CEO to act to resolve the matter.  The enforcement proceedings began on foot of a complaint from a member of the public