Over €65,000 Raised For Peggy Leahy So Far


Over 65,000 euro so far has been raised for a local girl who’s been diagnosed with a rare immunodeficiency.

Peggy Leahy from Tubberadora, Boherlahan will undergo Chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant in Newcastle in the coming months.

The funds raised will help support the family, with travel and accommodation costs as they’ll need to move and live in Newcastle for anything up to 6 months.

People can donate through the Go Fund page called Pedal for Peggy and was set up on behalf of  Club Member Seamie Leahy of Boherlahan Dualla GAA, Juvenile, Camogie and LGFA. 

The local sport club will be holding a 24 Hour indoor cycle from Friday 29th March at 5pm at their GAA Grounds.