Tipperary Town Revitalisation Taskforce Urges An Post To Keep Service In The Town Centre


The Tipperary Town Revitalisation Taskforce are urging An Post to ensure the service remains in the town centre.

The group says they’ve made the suggestion to An Post that a stipulate be put into the criteria in the upcoming tender as they seek a retail partner to deliver the service in the future.

The taskforce says Census 2022 data shows Tipperary Town to have a very low rate of car ownership comparative to other towns, with nearly 30% of households in the town have no access to a car compared to the national average of 11%

The group goes on to say that the town also has very high comparative rates of disability and disadvantage, meaning more people depend on An Post services to be available and accessible on foot.

The taskforce is committed to advocate alongside other stakeholders on the importance of services remaining in the town.