Local Improvement Scheme Open For Applications


Tipperary County Council says Applications are now being accepted for the Local Improvement Scheme which applies to non-public accommodation roads.

Projects must benefit  two or more parcels of land owned or occupied by different persons or serve the public. Applicants who applied in 2023 do not need to re-apply for consideration in 2024 as the unsuccessful 2023 applications fully comply with the required data and consents for the Scheme.

The local financial contribution is set at 10% for eligible roads with up to and including five beneficiaries and is set at 15% for those with six or more beneficiaries. The total contribution is based on the estimated cost of the project. Provided that all beneficiaries are contributing to the cost of the works, the maximum amount that any beneficiary is required to contribute is capped at €1,200

Application forms are available from Roads Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices in Nenagh or via the Council’s website  www.tipperarycoco.ie.

The Grant Scheme is subject to Department of Rural and Community  Development funding. The closing date for receipt of completed applications for the 2024.

Scheme is Friday 2nd February 2024 at 4.30pm.