Policy To Govern Use Of Community CCTV Systems Approved In Co. Tipp


A Policy to govern the provision of Community CCTV systems in county Tipperary has been approved by the Community and Economic Strategic Policy Committee of Tipperary County Council and will be circulated to all members of the Council next week in advance of the December meeting.

The update was given to today’s meeting of the Tipperary Joint Policing Committee(JPC) by Brian Beck – Director of Services including responsibility for Economic, Community and Rural Development.

Chair of the JPC , Cllr Noel Coonan urged the Garda representative at the meeting, Chief Superintendent Colm O’Sullivan, to ensure that Garda processes did not cause further frustrations for CCTV Schemes planned in the county.  

The new policy is intended to streamline applications from the county which must be approved by the Garda Commissioners Office to ensure that once the application was completed no additional information would be requested.  The policy document also ensures that the Schemes will comply with all legislation both in terms of GDPR and future criminal prosecutions. Finally, the policy seeks to set out the funding requirements for the installation, operating and maintenance of CCTV.

 Cllr David Dunne sought clarification that the systems are not being monitored on a continuous basis.  This was confirmed by Mr Beck who says the policy does cover a future possible situation where CCTV may be monitored live but says this would substantially increase the cost.