Several Significant Events To Mark Irish History Revealed


Plans to mark the centenary of several significant events in Irish history were revealed by the Government today.

The significant centenaries  include: the foundation of the State, this will be remembered as a process rather than a singular event and comprises two key centenary moments:

The Handover of Dublin Castle – marked already on Jan 16th  and the formal coming into being of the Irish Free State in December 2022, The Civil War, the destruction of the Public Record Office of Ireland at the Four Courts that began the Civil war which will be marked by a special event on 30th June 2022 involving the launching of Beyond 2022 Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury  intended  as a legacy project.

In addition the foundation of various institutions of the Irish Free State will be commemorated.

A state commemoration of the Civil war will remember all who lost their lives during the civil war. €50,000 has been approved for every local authority under the Community Strand to support their commemorative programming for 2022, with a supplementary fund of €450,000 available to provide further support to local authorities who have identified additional requirements in relation to specific centenaries of local significance and other larger projects, including cross-border initiatives.