McGrath Critical Of Government Refusal To Allow For Debate On Dublin Riot


Tipperary TD Mattie McGrath, the leader of the Rural Independent Group, is critical of the Government for refusing a request to convene the Dáil today to allow time for questions and debate on the incidents in Dublin city centre – the attack on children and their carer on Parnell Square and the violent scenes later that evening.

Deputy McGrath says “the brutal knife attack on innocent children and a woman left many who witnessed it stunned and traumatised. Deputy McGrath wants the Justice Minister Helen McEntee and the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris to resign.

Deputy McGrath is accusing the government of avoiding a debate and instead issuing weak weak statements that don’t address issues such as racism, social deprivation, and immigration policy.

Deputy McGrath is concerned about a shortage of Garda nationwide but also claims the Minister for Justice is unwilling or unable to listen to the genuine concerns expressed by rank-and-file Gardaí in Dublin and nationwide.

The Minster for Justice Helen McEntee is scheduled to take Leaders Questions in the Dáil this week as the Taoiseach is due to travel to the COP Climate Conference in Dubai beginning on November 30th