Community Notice 03rd November 2023


Doon Christmas Fair Taking place in Doon Community Centre on Sunday 3rd December from 2pm to 5pm. It will be a great day out with Stalls, Christmas cafe, Santa and wheel of fortune. Sensory Santa for those who enjoy a sensory friendly experience from 12noon to 2pm

Road Run. Knockavilla Donaskeigh Kickhams Camogie Club are hosting a Road run including: Tractors, Cars, Trucks etc Sunday 5th November at 12noon. Registration fee is €20 and registration time is 11am. All vehichles welcome, Refreshments & Raffle on the Day.

T.A.R.A. are holding their committee and montly meeting on Friday 3rd November in the Community Centre, St. Michael Street. Committee meeting at 10.30am and Monthly meetings at 11am. New members are most welcome for more info contact Siobhan on 062 51058.

Jumble Sale in Aid of C.M.N. (Caring matters now) on Saturday 4th November in the Community Centre, Tipperary Town from 10am to 4pm All Donations can be picked up or dropped off Friday evening at the community Centre (via The Blind Street entrance at the back of the Community Centre) Donations can also be made to Jackie contact 087 926 7949 to arrange pick up.

‘Over Come course’ You are warmly invited to the ‘Over Come course’ which is designed to help build supportive relationships, develop tools of wellness and introduce or deepen faith in scriptural truth. It is an informal and relaxed eight week course run by ordinary Christian people local to you and is completely free. VENUE. Cahir Christian Centre, PCI Building, Abbey St, Cahir, Co Tipperary  STARTING DATE Tuesday November 7th. 2023. Each Tuesday afternoon for 8 weeks. 2pm to 3.30pm. For more information, call 086 3729144

Healing of Family Tree Mass in Knockainey Parish Church on November Monday 6th November at 7.30pm. Celebrant is Fr John Walsh (Limerick) Blessing of Salt and Water will take place Individual Blessing by Fr John for those who wish to avail of it. All are welcome

Bruno Groning A path to a healthy body and soul through the teaching of Bruno Groening. Medically documented. Introduction evening, on in the Marian Hall, Tipperary Town beside St. Michael’s Church on Tuesday 7th November at 5pm. Admission is free. Local contact is Mary on 085-8418739.

The annual church gate collection for the upkeep of Galbally graveyard will be taken up at the 10.30 Mass on Sunday 5th November. A generous response will help ensure that the local cemetery is maintained in its usual pristine condition.

West End Residents R.A AGM will take place on November 8th in the Community Centre, Tipperary Town. Members only please

Circle of Friends cancer support centre presents A Grand Variety Show in The Marian Hall, Tipperary Town. Producer Michael O’Donoghue. Doors open at 7.30pm show starts at 8pm. Come along for some great enterainment and support a good cause. Admission on the door Adults €10 and children €5

The annual November remembrance mass for the Holy Souls will be celebrated in St. Michael’s parish church on Tuesday 14th November at 7pm. All are welcome to attend, especially those who have been bereaved during the past twelve months.

Mir Ministries will facilitate. A Day of renewal, Prayer, Praise, Worship, Teaching, Healing, Testimony and Holy Mass. Confessions and spiritual direction available on day. Charleville Park Hotel, Charleville, Co. Cork. Saturday, November 18th 2023. Commencing 10am. Holy Mass 12noon. Concludes 5.30pm. Music: Mir Music Ministry Admission Free.

The Rosary will be recited every Sunday for the month of November in St. John’s Graveyard and St. Michael’s Cemetery at 3.30pm. All are welcome.

Property Marking. Community Gardai in Thurles will host another Property Marking event, in conjunction with Propery Marking Ireland at Thurles Mart on 20th November from 10am. Everyone is welcome to bring up to 5 property items to be marked with their Eircode.

Learn Meditation on Twin hearts, Increase happiness, Reduce stress, Enhance focus, Achieve calmness. Fourth Monday evening of every month, 7.30pm. Tipperary Community Service Centre. St. Michael St. Tipperary. No fee

Cappawhite Resouce Centre Social Dancing 11th November 2023 at 9.30pm to 11.30pm. Music by Brian McDormot adm €10

Horticulture Course in Doon Places are available in Doon Social Farm for those interested in learing how to grow organic vegetables and fruit. It’s a full time QQI level 4 Course in Organic Growing, which is funded by the LCETB and ideally suited to those on social welfare or in receipt of benefits. All ages and abilities welcome. Call Maura on 087 247 4843 for more info.

Doon Social Farm invites you to visit their Community Café – held every Friday between 10am and 1pm. The Farm Shop is also open – Organic Vegetables, Salads, Organic eggs, home made donations of baked goods, jams and art can be purchased. Home bakers and volunteers are welcome. Contact Marian on 061 380 808 Located in the heart of Doon Village.

Grow Mental Health group support meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm in Knockanrally Family Resource Centre, Tipperary Town. This is FREE and open to anyone facing mental Health challenges. Come along Telephone Treasa 087 905 1275.

C-Saw in Tipperary Town Is open every Monday morning (including bank holidays) from 10.30am to 12.30pm. This is for anyone who would like to pop in for a cuppa and chat. The Venue is the Band Hall Davis Street. All Welcome.

South Tipperary Involvement Centre, Clonmel. – The Centre is run by people with a lived experience of Mental Health issues. Social activities are organised in the centre weekly. The group operated from Place4U, 25 Upper Gladstone Street Clonmel and open every Tuesday to Friday from 11am to 1pm. You are invited to join the group for a cuppa, a chat and check out the weekly activities. Please phone 083 313 0584 or email: [email protected]

Knockenrawley open every Wednesday – Everyone is invited to come down for a chat and a cup of tea with Theresa and Mike. Bring a friend if you’d like.

Bingo Notices: Monday  Hospital Co. Limerick (Community Hall) at 8pm. Tuesday – Cahir (Community Hall) at 8pm and Oola (Community Hall) at 8pm. Thursday – Golden in the (GAA Hall) at 8pm and Cappamore at 8pm. Friday -Cappawhite (Community Hall) at 8pm. Saturday – Cashel (Halla Na feile) at 8pm. Sunday – Tipperary Town (Marion Hall) at 8pm.

Cards in Oola every Thursday night at 8pm.

Citizens Information – Tipperary Town – Opening hours Monday 10am-1pm & 2pm -3pmTue,Wed,Thu & Fri 10am-1pm and 2pm-4pm. Phone 0818 07 6540 or email [email protected] NATIONAL NUMBER 0818 07 400 Mon – Fri 9am-8pm.

Three Drives Family Resource Centre, Tipperary are running the following classes. Ukulele (BEG), Starting Monday 11th of September and finishing on the 22nd of November from 9.30am – 11am. Tutor is Barry Quinn. Ukulele (CONTD), Starting Tuesday 12th of September and finishing on the 23nd of November from 9.30am. Tutor is Barry Quinn. Pilates (ONGOING) 12th September to the 31st of October from 10.30am to 11.30am. Instructor is Breda Aherne. Cookery (ONGOING) Starting on the 20th of September to the 6th of December from 9.30am to 12 noon. Instructor is Cathy Gallagher.