National Broadband Ireland Reveals Progress In Co Tipp


A total of over 30,000 properties are covered under the National Broadband Plan in Co. Tipperary

In Tipperary Town 98 percent of the 2889 properties are connected and a high fibre speed service is available.

The remaining 56 properties in the area are expected to be ready within the next six month.

The NBI says work is progressing well on the 2120 properties in Cashel – it’s expected to be finished between April and June next year.

In Cahir the vast majority properties (3,150) are going through a survey – only 2 properties are progressing with fibre speed broadband.

The NBI says it’s the 3,148 properties in the area are planned to be connected in 2 to 2 and a half years.

86% of Tipperary premises will be surveyed by the end of the year.

While 60% of properties in the county will have build commence by the end of 2022, its jumps to 98% by following year.

The NBI estimates that 70% of the properties in the Premier County will be built complete by the end of 2024.