Tipp Town Building Receives €163,000 For Development


A building in Tipperary Town has been allocated €163,000 under the Historic Towns Initiative.

The historic former Glove Factory on James Street, Tipperary Town will receive funding of  €163,000 for a project that will transform the disused building into four apartments and a commercial space.

The development is being managed by Abercorn Developments Limited and recently secured Planning approval for the construction works.

The developer is also progressing a project at the Irish house to provide 6 overhead apartments and a commercial space at street level.

The building has been vacant for almost 50 years. Overall a sum of 1.75 million euros has been allocated nationwide to 13 projects as part of the  2022 Historic Towns Initiative.

The scheme aims to bring new life and purpose to historic buildings, to provide jobs through Heritage-led regeneration and will aid the rebuilding of local economies with heritage as a focal point

Funding was allocated following a competitive process, which invited Local  Authorities to propose projects for heritage-led regeneration. The announcement has been welcomed by local Oireachtas members Michel Lowry and Garret Ahearn.