Eirgrid’s Pylon Scheme proposals


The Carrick on Suir Senator who was responsible for a meeting on the pylons issue at the Labour Party conference at the weekend said that he now believes the Communications Minister is starting to listen to people who are concerned at the prospect of pylons in their areas. 

Denis Landy has said today that the way forward for Eirgrid’s Pylon Scheme is by Minister Pat Rabbitte ordering a cost benefit analysis into the real cost of putting the lines underground.

He said he believes the estimate that an underground network would be three times the cost of running the lines overhead, will be in his words “blown out of the water” 

Meanwhile Eirgrid Chairman Designate John O’Connor appears before the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Transport and Communications tomorrow to outline the approach he proposes to take to develop the commercial state company charged with managing the National Grid