South Tipp Hospital retain core level 3


Government TD for South Tipperary Tom Hayes has today said the future of South Tipperary General Hospital and its maternity department has been safeguarded under the health minister's proposals to reorganise the country's hospitals.

The plans include the formation of six hospital groups around the country.  South Tipperary General Hospital and Waterford Regional Hospital will be combined with Cork University Hospital to be part of a single group with a unified management structure.

 The management structure will feed into UCC training hospital at Cork University Hospital.

 Deputy Hayes maintains that under the proposals South Tipperary General hospital will retain its core level 3 status meaning it has maintained its Maternity Services, Accident and Emergency Services and other essential services.

He also says it will mean that the services the people of South Tipperary rely on will be safeguarded and that Our Lady's and St Patrick's in Cashel Cluain Arran in Tipperary Town and St Bridgid's in Carrick on Suir and St Theresa's in Clogheen will finally have certainty over their futures.