Coffee morning will be held in Lowry’s Bar, Tipperary town. In aid of Circle of Friends. On Wednesday 3rd April from 10am to 12 noon. All are welcome.
Premier Hall with Michael English & his band- A million Medleys, Sunday April 7th. A special concert globally loved million selling hits. Tickets now on sale in the Parish Centre, Cathedral Street, Thurles (0504) 22229), Bookworm, Liberty Square (0504-22257), Holycross Parish Office (0504- 43124) and Cashel Parish Centre (062-62200). Proceeds in aid of the Cathedral Reroofing Project.
Community Social Pop-Up. Hosted by North Tipperary Development Company. Singers, Musicians and storytellers welcome. Help us reconnect communities, families and individuals by getting out and enjoying some laughter with your community. Open to all ages and abilities. Order of Malta Hall, Thurles, E41 HN28. Wednesday 27th March at 11.30am. For more information contact Joanne on 087-3697922 / [email protected]
Bus to Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration National Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 14th April. The bus will leave Cashel at 7am from the church. Pick up is available from the straight stretches, Tipperary Town outside Marion Hall, Golden, Monard, Oola, Pallasgreen and Boher. Contact Margaret on 087-0568216 or Mary Jo on 086-2112019.
Tipperary Musical Society will hold a Easter Cake Sale on Easter Sunday morning from 10am at the Marion Hall, Tipperary.
Cash for Clobber fundraiser: Collection point, Donaskeigh National School. Acceptable items: Clean good quality clothes, paired shoes, handbags/belts, bedding and curtains. No toys, duvets, pillows or soiled items. Collection dates on Sunday 24th March between 11am and 12 noon.
Bridge classes for beginners in Cashel Community School starting on the 5th March, every Tuesday evening for ten weeks. Contact Cashel Community School on 062-61167
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Pio San Giovanni, Benevento and Assisi, on the 2nd October to the 9th October, 2024. Booking is now open. For more information contact Helen English on 086-3718464 or Joe Walsh Tours on 01-2410800.
House of Farm cats looking for good homes. Rescue based near Tipperary Town. Please contact Paws & Claws on Facebook or telephone 085-7031798. A home check and adoption fee will be required.
Learn Meditation on Twin Hearts. Increase happiness, reduce stress, enhance focus and acheive calmness. Fourth Monday evening of every month at 7.30pm. Tipperary Community Services Centre, St. Michael Street, Tipperary. No fee, donations welcome. Contact Jennie on 086-8682251.
Michael Sutton Charity Memorial Walk, Upperchurch, Co. Tipperary. In aid of Bishop John Ryan’s Education NGO Malawi on Saturday 6th April 2024. Donations on the day or online. Mass at 11am Sacred Heart Church. Walk 1: 12.15pm Eamon an Chnoic 8km, Walk 2: 12.30pm Eamon an Chnoic 4km. Registrations from 10.30am – 12pm at Upperchurch Community Center, eircode E41 KOH9. Followed by food, music, Tea & Coffee. Presentation at Upperchurch Community Centre. Supported by Kinnanes Bar and the Mid Tipp Hillwalkers. For more info contact: [email protected]
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje from Shannon Airport on the following dates; May 22nd – September 4th and August 28th – September 4th. Early booking discount before February 2nd. Contact John O’Brien, Group Leader on 086 858 6304.
Tipperary Tidy Towns are making an urgent appeal to our community for support with donations to feed the wild birds in the Tipperary Town Hills. Donations for bird seed can be made at All Creatures Great And Small Pet Shop on the Limerick Road. You will be given a receipt for your donation no matter how big or small.
Self Help Africa Charity Tipperary Town are in urgent need of donations of ladies and gents clothing, shoes, linen, etc. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 5pm.
Tipp Mid-West Radio Concert, in Cahir House on Tuesday 30th April. John Glenn, PJ Murrihy, Pat McKenna, Sean Keane, Aisling Rafferty, Martin Cuff and Effie Neil. Backed by “Off the Cuff”. Tickets €25.00. Raffle on the Night. Doors open 7.15pm. Concert starts at 8pm. Compere Norman Morrissey. Tickets are available at Tipp Mid-West Radio, 062 52555. Danny Ryan’s Music , Tipp Town and Noel Fahey Footwear, Cashel.
Bingo Notices:
Monday: Hospital Co. Limerick (Community Hall) at 8pm.
Tuesday: Cahir (Community Hall) at 8pm, Oola (Community hall) at 8pm.
Wednesday: Pallasgreen at 8pm.
Thursday: Golden (Golden GAA Hall) at 8pm, Cappamore at 8pm.
Friday: Cappawhite (Community Center) at 8pm.
Saturday: Cashel (Halla Na Feile) at 8pm.
Sunday: Tipperary Town (Marion Hall) at 8pm.