Bord Pleanála Grants Permission For Construction of All Weather Racetrack At Tipp Racecourse


An Bord Pleanála has granted permissions for the construction of an All Weather Racetrack at Tipperary Racecourse.  

Tipperary County Council granted permission for the development in August 2022 and this was appealed by residents close to the racecourse in September 2022. The An Bord Pleanála decision was made on January 23rd meaning that the appeal process took almost 16 months.

The decision to grant permission comes with 12 conditions. All documentation relating to the appeal will be on the An Bord Pleanála website later today.  The case reference is ABP-314621-22.

The conditions are that the development be delivered in accordance with the plans submitted except for alterations to comply with the other 11 conditions namely –

Pre-construction an invasive plant species study is to be conducted,  a construction and environmental management plan to be agreed,  a resource waste management plan to be devised, the developer must facilitate the preserving and recording of archaeological materials or features within the site, floodlights shall not operate between 10pm and 7am and must be directed onto the all-weather track and away from adjacent homes and the public road, one existing exit onto N24 will be permanently closed, water supply and drainage shall comply with requirements of the planning authority, the proposed landscaping scheme shall be carried out in the first possible planting scheme and be monitored for 5 years, bat roosts to be installed on the site, the Road Safety Audit Recommendations are to be implemented at the developers expense and the Developer will pay the appropriate development contribution under section 24 of the Planning and Development Act 2000.