Appeals For Those On Social Housing List To Complete Online Expressions Of Interest For Eligible Homes


Tipperary County Council Housing section is appealing to people on the social housing list to fully complete their online expressions of interest in homes that they are eligible to apply for online.

The Council allocates some of it’s newly available social housing via the online Choice Based Letting(CBL) System. This allows people on the social housing list that have registered for CBL to express their interest in a property for which they are eligible in terms of house size.  As multiple parties can confirm interest in a property at the same time the system delivers a faster allocation of any available home.

This week the council is seeking expressions of interest for 8 homes in Carrick Beg, Carrick on Suir.  Full details are available on the council website at – the CBL portal can only be accessed by persons who have registered and obtained their CBL password. Persons will only be shown property sizes for which they have been approved.   The Council is reminding those applying that they must fully complete their engagement by ensuring that the property has been “checked out” of their online basket or their expression of interest will not be recorded.

Under the Choice Based Letting Scheme only the successful candidates will be notified. Those seeking further information regarding the Choice Based Letting scheme, should contact the Housing section during office hours by telephoning   0818 06 5000.