Tipperary Councillors Receive Updates From HSE’s Regional Health Forum South East Sub-Commitee


Tipperary councillors attending the South East sub-committee of the HSE’s Regional Health Forum South heard updates from HSE management on a number of capital projects in the South Tipperary area last week.  Councillors Roger Kennedy, David Dunne, Marie Murphy and Michael Smith are members of the Forum.

The only project that is stalled is the planned 60 bed Community Nursing Unit for Cashel.  Councillor Roger Kennedy says the HSE are waiting until the next Cashel Local Area Plan is devised before proceeding with a planning application – the Cashel Local Area Plan update is paused under instructions from the Office of the Planning Regulator until new Planning Legislation is commenced. The HSE is now said to favour a site it owns at Palmers Hill in Cashel for the new facility which was originally due to seek planning permission in 2019 at St Patrick’s Hospital campus. 

The HSE reports that planning approval has been received and work will commence later this year on refurbishment of ambulance station facilities at the Our Lady’s Hospital complex in Cashel.  Work is expected to start on  improving the Local Injuries Unit in Cashel in the next few months – this Unit operates Monday to Friday (9-5) at present and is unlikely to be expanded due to a 24/7 service due to the staffing requirements necessary according to Councillor Kennedy.

A new 50 en-suite bed Residential Care Centre is nearing completion in Clonmel which will be under the management of Cashel Residential Older Persons Services, and provide long term and palliative care to older persons replacing the 18 bed facility at the adjacent St. Anthony’s Unit in Clonmel. 

Phase two of works towards accommodating Enhanced Community Care clinics and other support services in the St. Patrick’s Hospital building in Cashel is due to commence this year.

A new Development Control Plan is being progressed for the Tipperary University Hospital campus in Clonmel to progress proposals for a new ward block to relocate Maternity, Paediatrics, and Medical 1 Ward services, in addition to planning towards the provision of a second new block to provide 48 additional beds as part of National Bed Capacity Plan – this has an estimated cost of €75M with funding yet to be secured.

A new Emergency Dept. Waiting Area design is in progress for Tipperary University Hospital.

In addition accommodation works will begin shortly on the Carrick on Suir Primary care center towards accommodating a second GP in the Centre. Construction of a Primary Care Centre complex in Fethard is under way and work to provide for enhanced Community Care facilities will proceed this year on the St. Luke’s Hospital campus in Clonmel.