The public lighting on some entire streets in Tipperary town remains without power due to the wind storm last Friday. The outages in O’Connell Road, Canon Hayes Park, Emmet Street, Dillon Street, Marian Terrace and Dundrum Road area have been reported to ESB Networks and the Council’s contractor for Public Lighting Maintenance according to Cllr Anne Marie Ryan.
Due to the number of outages to homes and businesses at present work on restoring public street lighting repairs have been temporarily stood down. This applies to public lighting on ESB networks, which is the bulk of lights in towns and villages.
Approximately 180,000 premises across the country remain without power today – ESB networks hope to have the vast majority of these restored by Friday as additional crews come to help from the UK, Austria, Finland, France and the Netherlands. Outages on street lighting can be reported on this website here by scrolling to your town or village and zooming in to the relevant street, and then clicking on the relevant pole – each pole has a number attached – usually on a yellow sticker.