Paul O’Callaghan Named New Chairperson Of The Board Of Directors Of The Canon Hayes Recreation Centre


Paul O’Callaghan is the new Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Canon Hayes Recreation Centre – the centre is run as a CLG, a Company Limited by Guarantee, which Mr O’Callaghan says gives the board better standing in financial issues such as loan and grant applications. He takes over from John McCahill who continues as Chair of the Complex Development Sub Committee.

The other officers are Robert Costigan Finance, Carmel Tuohy Company Secretary, Connie McNamara, Assistant Secretary and Brian English as Vice Chairperson. The other board members are Jacqui Finnan, Carol O’Dwyer, Tom Finnan and Stevie O’Donnell. Mr O’Callaghan paid tribute to the work done by John McCahill and in stabilising the administration and financial position of the centre alongside the centre Manager Breda Bailey.  

The Centre is offering a special membership rate during January and February that is very competitive and flexible – however Mr O’Callaghan says the centre needs community support to sustain it’s operations.  In addition, a number of upgrades are planned for this year including work on the athletic track, the installation of new LED lighting, solar panels and insulation of the roof, a rainwater harvesting system, upgrades to toilets and showers and the creation of a café space in the Canon Hayes Recreation Centre.  In addition, the Board wants to expand the range of exercise options offered at the centre and is welcoming suggestions from the public.