Tipperary Cahir Cashel Municipal District Council To Meet Next Week For Monthly Meeting

The Tipperary Cahir Cashel Municipal District Council will meet on Monday at 11am for their monthly meeting.  
The agenda includes the councillors taking a decision on the Taking in Charge Application in respect of the Glen Court Estate in Emly. The residents first submitted their application in  2015 and have faced numerous delays due to issues with the wastewater treatment plant in the estate. The estate also has over 20 completed houses that have never been occupied in over 15 years. Cllrs Anne Marie Ryan and Mary Hanna Hourigan have supported the residents in their application for the council to take over responsibility for roads, footpaths and public lighting and for Uisce Eireann to take over responsibility for water and waste water services.
There are two motions on the agenda for consideration on Monday.
Cllr Liam Browne is asking  that the Council place some restrictions on the sale of burial plots in St Cormac’s Cemetery Cashel until a  new burial ground is located. The Cllr suggests that existing family ties and proximity of the deceased to Cashel be criteria  in allocating plots other than in exceptional circumstances.
Cllr Anne Marie Ryan is asking that a facility be provided at Donohill Civic Amenity for green and garden waste. The Councillor says at present people with such waste have to travel to either Cashel or Clonmel at added expense. The Councillor also asks that the matter be considered by the Environment Strategic Policy Committee of the Council  to ensure that all Civic Amenities  can accept food or garden waste.
The meeting will also hear an update form the Councils Environment section and the Local Authority Community and Waters Office(LAWPRO) responsible for improving water quality in streams, rivers and lakes the country – one of the major LAWPRO projects, funded to the extent of €60M, is based in Heffernan House in Rossmore Village and involves paying farmers to take measures to support biodiversity and water quality.