Tipperary Pantomime Society Opening Night Of Treasure Island Greeted With Rapturous Reception

The Tipperary Pantomime Society opening night of Treasure Island was given a rapturous reception at the Excel Cultural and Arts Centre last night before a full house. Excel management has a temporary heating system in place ensuring everyone is warm in the Simon Ryan Theatre. The show is due to run until Saturday night but the weather may affect the planned run of 4 nights. 
The show is packed with hit songs from Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off” to Elton John’s “I’m Still Standing” –  the younger members of the cast were terrific in their performances while the adults were led by Pat Ryan as Dame Henrietta Hawkins – Pat is also the producer and thrilled the audience and cast members alike with his wit, panache and improvised dialogue.   Leads Stephen Stokes and Katie Russel take us through the tribulation of romance and searching for buried treasure on a remote island with cannibals.
There were many fine performances but the characters of Daisy and Buttercup –  featuring Lorraine Kennelly and  Sabrina Cummins won the hearts of  the audience.  Kayla Gilsenan had a star turn as Quizmaster  in the Admiral Benbow Inn. The set changes were smooth and perfectly fitted the Show –  Pat Marnane provided live music supported by Ailbe Grace, Mike Fitzpatrick and Ray Yrure on drums . The show tonight is due to start at 8pm.