Public Meeting To Be Held To Consider Roadstone Biomethane Plant Planning Application At Killough Quarry


A public meeting is to be held in Littleton on January 29th to consider a planning application from Roadstone to build and operate a Biomethane plant on it’s lands at Killough Quarry which remains in operation. The Quarry is located near the Horse and Jockey and has been in operation since the 1950s.

The plant would use organic matter such as slurry and specially grown crops to produce methane gas, Biomethane, electricity, water and fertiliser pellets. The company says the plan is part of it’s move to reduce it’s carbon emissions and become more sustainable.

The meeting is being organised by the Killough Community Association and will take place in the Muintir na Tire Hall on Wednesday January 29th at 7.30pm.The planning application is currently being considered by the Tipperary planning authority and submissions can be made until February 16th  with the decision due on  March 9th.  The planning reference number is 2560019.