The Irish Blood Transfusion Service(IBTS) is appealing for donors to attend a clinic in Nenagh on Sunday January 19th. The service has been under pressure recently with an increasing demand for blood products in hospitals, disruption to donation clinics due to the weather and an ageing donor pool.
The clinic on Sunday will take place at the Abbey Court Hotel Nenagh with the first appointment at 11:50am and the final appointments beginning at 3:10pm
New Donors are especially welcome – all intending donors are asked to call 1800 222 111 for appointment. Details about the service, clinics and pre donation screening for first-time donors is available on the website
Today the IBTS has just over an average of four days blood in stock across all blood types with O negative standing at just 2.9 days supply while it seeks to have 7 days supply on hand at all times.