South Tipperary Development Company (STDC) are looking for expressions of interest from communities, who would welcome professional support in developing a future plan for their area. Such a plan will integrate social, economic, cultural and environmental elements. Communities that are interested are asked to submit an expression of interest form by noon on Wednesday January 22nd.
The programme will be led by experts from TUS, Community Engagement Partners and STDC and will engage with other important stakeholders such as the Council.
The community steering group will be assisted in upskilling in SMART Sustainable Village Planning Skills and supported to draw up a plan for their own area through analysing current assets and needs, community consultation and visioning for the future. The outcome of the 6 month programme will be a SMART Sustainable Plan for the area /village which can be used as a roadmap for future developments and funding applications.
The STDC says a group of 6 to 10 people is ideal for such a project and that an existing community council could also select a steering group. The project is free and funded via the LEADER Development fund.