Reports Of Damage To Roads & Footpaths After Major Thaw

Steps on Pathway linking Hillside to Davitt Street - January 11th Credit Catherine Fogarty

A major thaw has set in and most snow is melting and roads and footpaths are becoming totally clear of snow and ice.

There are reports of potholes emerging in some roads.

In Tipperary town some steps leading from Davitt Street to the Tipperary Hills at Hillside on the Old Monastery road have crumbled due to the recent frost.

Steps on Pathway linking Davitt Street to Hillside – January 11th Credit Catherine Fogarty

Tipperary council have closed the pathway at each end until repairs can be completed.

Some households have reported damage to gutters due to snow and ice and some farmers have also had roofs collapse due to the weight of snow and ice.

The Glen of Aherlow Nature park at Christ the King is also closed to allow for repairs following the recent snow and ice.

All local schools and local services will resume today, some for the first time since Christmas, including the Tipperary Town Meals and Wheels service, Moorehaven Centre Services and St Vincent’s Day Care Centre.