Urgent appeal by Garda for traffic to avoid the M8 between the Horse and Jockey Junction 6 and Junction 7 Cashel on the Southbound lane.
Drivers are advised not to travel – if the journey is essential drivers are advised to exercise caution and exit the Southbound M8 at the Horse and Jockey and use the old Dublin Cork Road (R639) south to Cashel, travel through Cashel and on to Cahir on the (R639) and rejoin the Motorway(M8) in Cahir.
Several Trucks are not able to travel on the incline on the M8 between Junction 7 and 8 Southbound and Garda are trying to stop the build up of southbound traffic. Garda are also going to need to get some specialist equipment onto the roadway. Cahir Garda station number is 052 744 5630.