Abbey School Is Seeking Retention Permission For A Detached Storage Shed On The Grounds


The Abbey School in Tipperary town is seeking Retention Permission for a detached storage shed and a blockwork wall and gate within the grounds of the school. The shed was constructed immediately after the pandemic to allow for the sanitisation of sports equipment.  The school would now like to secure a change of use for the storage shed to become a school gym. The aim is to develop a structured and supervised programme of weight and circuit training to further enhance and support the sporting activities of the school.  The gym will be for the use of school pupils only.

The Abbey School is classed as a national monument, the current school, built in 1955, was erected on the site of an earlier school construction of which began in 1680. The main school is unaffected by the works covered by the current planning application. Submissions on the planning application (Reference number 2460917) can be made until November 27th with a decision due by December 18th 2024.