Two Teenagers Assaulted On N24 In Clonmel


Two teenagers were assaulted on the N24 close to Right Price Tiles in Clonmel on Monday evening. Gardaí in Clonmel are investigating the incident as attempted robbery

The incident happened between 4.40 and 4.45pm. The two teenagers were set upon by two males also believed to be in their teens. One suspect is described as being tall with blonde hair and the other suspect was smaller in height and had dark hair and freckles.    Garda say the suspects are believed to have left the scene on foot in the direction of Moangariff.

Garda in Clonmel are appealing for any witnesses or any motorists that may have dash cam footage from the area at the time to make contact by calling Clonmel Garda Station on 052 6177640 or using the Garda confidential line at 1800 666 111.