Man Removed From Dundrum House Hotel Complex Released Without Charge


An Garda Siochana have confirmed that the man removed from the gates of Dundrum House Hotel complex yesterday has since been released without charge.  A major Garda operation was put in place around Dundrum village yesterday as buses were used to transport 70 people into the accommodation at the complex being used as an IPAS accommodation centre. The Department of Integration has not released any details as to how long the people involved have been in Ireland and where they travelled from to reach Ireland. 

Dundrum House Hotel Complex is now being used to provide accommodation for refugees from Ukraine and the latest arrivals seeking asylum in Ireland. It is understood that the people will be accommodated in a series of self catering houses on the site that are known as Kilmore. A local group opposed to the creation of an IPAS accommodation centre in Dundrum continue to maintain a peaceful protest at the gates and met last night to discuss their campaign to date and the events of yesterday.