Funeral Arrangements Finalised For Ms Josie Ray Of Nenagh


The Funeral arrangements have been finalised for Ms Josie Ray – the 89 year old woman that was murdered in her home in Nenagh last weekend. 

Garda in Nenagh continue to appeal for any witnesses that may have been in the St Joseph’s Park area on Saturday evening or Sunday(August4th) up to noon to make contact. A person of interest has been identified by the Gardaí – however no arrests have been made to date.

Ms Ray was predeceased by her husband Paddy & daughter Joan O’Brien. She is survived by her 4 daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews, cousins, relatives,  great neighbours, relatives & friends.

Ms Ray will lie in repose at Ryan’s Funeral Home, Nenagh (E45 KN93) today, Thursday, from 5 o’clock to 7 o’clock with burial to follow 11am mass tomorrow  at  St. Mary of the Rosary Church, Nenagh.