Local Small Food Businesses Urged To Apply For Leader Food Initiative Funding


Funding of almost €900,000 is to be made available nationally for projects under the Leader Food Initiative.

Applications for the funding are being sought from eligible small food businesses with the aim of “supporting the small food producer, providing support for on-farm diversification enterprises and investment in local processing facilities.”

This new call is specifically targeted towards on farm diversification enterprises and artisan, micro and small food businesses to enable them to diversify, expand and develop:

Projects ranging in value from €5,000 to €200,000 will be considered – the funding is available due to an underspend in a previously announced programme.

The funds will be administered in County Tipperary by the North Tipperary and South Tipperary Development companies. All project proposals for this call must be submitted by 5:30 pm on 31st August 2023. Departmental approval will be given by December 31st this year and the projects must be completed by March 31st next year.