HSE To Look At “Alternative Sites” For New Nursing Unit In Cashel

Photo Credit: Google Maps

The HSE says it “will look at alternative sites in the Cashel town area towards suitability to accommodate construction and operation of a 60 bed ensuite single bedroomed Community Nursing Unit.”

The project was to go to planning in August 2019 and then in early 2020.

Tipp Mid West Radio sought an update from the HSE as to site assessments that were to be completed by the end of June and these locations are understood to involve HSE owned properties in Palmer’s Hill, Cashel and a site to the rear of the existing Assessment Unit at St Patrick’s.

The matter was raised in the Seanad by Senator Garret Ahearn in mid-April. At that time the Department of Health response was that the HSE advises that the proposed site at St Patrick’s Hospital is not suitable for the CNU as the site does not provide adequate car parking space and that challenges for  access to the proposed building were identified.

The Seanad heard in April that a site in Cashel was being reviewed by the HSE for suitability for a new CNU. The review is to be completed by the end of June.

Today’s update from the HSE says it is “committed to the development of a new Community Nursing Unit for Older Persons there.”(Cashel). The statement says

“The planned new Community Nursing Unit is part of the HSE’s Capital Plan and is a priority for capital funding allocation.” 

The HSE did not provide any specific details as to the shortfall in size at the original site or if the Palmer’s Hill site had been eliminated as a possible location.