Local Hospitals Report High Levels Of OverCrowding


Local hospitals are reporting high levels of overcrowding today. There are 25 patients on trolleys in TUH in Clonmel according to this morning’s Trolley Watch Report from the Irish Nurses and Mid Wife’s Organisation.

University Hospital Limerick is the most overcrowded hospital in Ireland today with 90 admitted patients waiting on a bed.  34 of the patients are in the Emergency Department area while the remaining 56 admitted patients are accommodated by placing their trolley in some ward of the hospital. Nationally there are 527 admitted patients waiting on a hospital bed – this figures includes 16 children under the age of 16.

The CEO of the HSE Bernard Gloster has appealed to HSE staff to volunteer to work extra shifts next weekend in a bid to ensure the number of patients on trolleys is kept as low as possible over the Bank Holiday Weekend. There were 700 patients on trolleys following the May Bank Holiday.