Construction Of 50 Bed Nenagh Community Nursing Unit Progressing Well According To HSE Reports


The HSE reports that  the construction of the 50 bed Nenagh Community Nursing Unit (CNU)  is progressing well with an expected hand over to the HSE at the  end  of  August  2023. The  two  storey  unit  will  then  need  to  be  equipped,  commissioned  and  receive  HIQA registration prior to opening.

Long stay care, respite and palliative care services will be provided in the new unit which is expected to be open by the end of March 2024. The HSE says the staffing requirement for the unit is 62 Whole Time Equivalent Personnel.  

The approved capital budget for this project is €22.33m, which includes all capital costs associated with the project i.e. construction costs, design fees, equipment costs and other costs associated  with  the  project. 

A site for a 60 bed CNU in Cashel is currently being examined by the HSE Estates office – this review is expected to be completed by the end of May. This site being examined is a HSE owned property adjacent to the soccer pitch at Palmer’s hill. Last month the HSE announced that the site at St Patrick’s hospital, the intended location for the unit is too small and an alternative location within the town must be identified for the project to proceed.