Tipperary Hospital Visiting Restrictions Remain In Place For Certain Wards


Tipperary University Hospital (TippUH) management says that visiting restriction still remain in place for three wards at the hospital, Medical 1, Medical 2A  & Medical 2B, at this time due to infectious outbreaks. Hospital management is apologising for the inconvenience however it says such actions are undertaken to protect vulnerable patients and limit the spread of infection.

Public visiting at TippUH is permitted between 2pm – 4pm and 6.30pm – 8.30pm. No visiting is allowed outside of these hours unless in exceptional circumstances by prior arrangement with the ward/department manager.

Visits are limited to two visitors at the time.  Members of the public who are unwell are asked not to visit patients.  Visits should be short – approximately an hour but should be appropriate to the needs of the patient.  Children should not visit the hospital unless in exceptional circumstances and by prior approval of the ward/department manager.

There is no visiting allowed in the Emergency Department.

For other areas of the Hospital such as the Paediatric unit visits can be made outside the times above but are limited to 1 parent/guardian/nominated person at a time and applicable national guidelines for Maternity Services are in operation.