Council Aims To Collect Almost €42.8M In Rates In 2023

Tipperary County Council Civic Offices, Tipperary Town. Image © Tipp Mid West Radio
Tipperary County Council hopes to collect almost €42.8M in rates this year. 
The figure includes €5.9M in arrears brought forward from 2022.
The council is also offering an early payment scheme for commercial rates.
Approximately 3,850 or 88% of commercial rate payers are eligible for the scheme as it is open to ratepayers with an annual rates bill of up to €26,000.
This year the scheme offers a 6% rates discount up to a maximum of €600 if rates are paid in fully by July 2023.
Those opting to pay by Direct Debit can avail of the scheme if the full amount is paid by September 2023.
Tipperary councillors voted for a 5% increase in Commercial rates this year to create income to support a loan to finance major projects across the county on condition of an expanded Early Payment Scheme.
Tipperary Council also offers a vacant property Relief in respect of Commercial rates subject to certain conditions including informing the council that the property is vacant and for letting, or is closed for refurbishment or repair. Vacancy relief will be applied to qualifying property in accordance a sliding scale – properties with a rates bill up to €5,000 receive a 100% Vacancy Relief, those with a rates bill over €5,000, but less than €10,000 can claim 80% Vacancy Relief with 20% to be paid and Qualified Vacant Properties with a rates bill over €10,000 can take a 60% Vacancy Relief with 40% to be paid.