Work On The Installations Of New Tipp Town Playground Vandalised


Work on the installation of a new playground in Tipperary town on the River Ara walkway was targeted by vandals on Tuesday night.

Some of the installations were interfered with and moved slightly from their foundations. A window in a mini digger was smashed.

The equipment had been inside the compound – one of the barriers was damaged to enable the culprits to gain access.

The contractor was forced to take the equipment from the site overnight last night to ensure no further damage.

The contractor expects the 9 features will be fully installed by Monday.

The surface is to consist of bark mulching which will be added by a different contractor.

The playground is made of mostly timber to fit in with the river side setting and give children a connection to natural materials.

The nine features will be tested by a technician before the park opens.

The features include a swing, balance beams, a sea saw, stilts, up and over net, a hammock, a house incorporating a slide, a springy animal and 5 lily pads.

Work is also ongoing to install the boardwalk feature on the pond installed in the park.

The park has been targeted by vandals several times since it opened in December – ring buoys have been stolen and had their ropes removed – platforms installed to host information boards have also been damaged in recent days.