Dangerous Bend on the Main Portumna to Birr Road Highlighted in the Dáil today


A dangerous bend on the main Portumna to Birr road was highlighted in the Dáil today. The Dáil heard that a local resident must turn off his vehicle when he exits his property, to try and listen for oncoming traffic due to a blind spot.

Deputy Jackie Cahill is calling for funding to be provided to Tipperary County Council for road safety works, before a serious accident occurs. Local hauliers are also expressing concerns about the roadway due to the narrow width of the road causing damage to vehicles when two meet on the roadway.  Two land owners nearby are willing to provide land for works to widen the road and remove the bend. Deputy Cahill is pleased to welcome the Taoiseach’s response that he will raise the matter with the Minister for Transport and officials within the Department of Transport.