Hollyford To Host Major Ceremony Of Garda Siochana Centenary


A major ceremony is planned for Hollyford, county Tipperary, on Wednesday November 16th to mark the Centenary of An Garda Siochana in the Tipperary Town District. All are welcome to attend.
Hollyford is the location as the occasion will also remember the death of Garda Hugh Ward, shot while on duty in Hollyford on 14th November 1926. In the 100 years since the force was formed, 89 Gardaí have lost their lives while in service. A plaque will be unveiled at the entrance to the former Garda Station in Hollyford in memory of Garda Ward. The plaque will be unveiled by Chief Superintendent Colm O’ Sullivan who is the new Chief Superintendent for Tipperary & Clare. Relations of Garda Hugh Ward have been invited and will lay a wreath at the site of the plaque after the unveiling
The presentation of Centenary Medals to retired and current members of the Tipperary Town Garda District will also take place on November 16th.
Speakers on the day will be Ms Una Crowe and Dr Des Marnane who will speak about the history of the area at that time. The event will begin at 2pm and is planned for outside the former Garda Station in Hollyford (weather permitting, in the Community Centre if weather is unsuitable for outdoor event) and led by John O’ Connell Acting Superintendent Tipperary Town Garda Station. Refreshments will also be served in the Community Centre after the event.
Hugh Ward was born on 14th February, 1897 and originally from Cloughmacoo, Nobber, Co. Meath. He joined An Garda Síochána on 27th February, 1924. He served in the Volunteers (1918-1921) and did yeoman service up to the time of the Truce. He also served in the National Army (1921-1924), including the Military Police. He was single and served in Roscommon, Cork and Tipperary.
On 14th November, 1926, concerted attacks were carried out on Garda stations countrywide. Garda Ward was on duty at Hollyford Station. He answered a knock on the front door of the station. A raider lifted his gun and shot Garda Ward who died from his injuries on 16th November, 1926.
The full programme is as follows:
Unveiling of Plaque to mark the Death of Garda Hugh Ward
in Hollyford on the 16th of November 2022
2:00pm Welcome address by John O’ Connell Acting Superintendent Tipperary
2:03pm Opening prayer by Fr Dan Woods and Blessing of Plaque
2:05pm Short Speech by Una Crowe Daughter of Rody Crowe Hollyford Company Adjutant. in recognition of Garda Hugh ward being a member of the Irish volunteers from 1918-1921
2:08pm Speech on the history of the local area & events on the night of the 14th November 1926 by Dr Des Marnane
2:20pm Unveiling of Plaque by C/Supt O’Sullivan
2:21pm Laying of a Wreath by a relation of Garda Hugh Ward.
CJ Kickham Brass Band will play the Last Post
2:22pm A minute of silence will be observed
2:23pm Presentation of Medals to Retired members and serving members of An Garda Siochana from the Tipperary Town District by Chief Superintendent Colm O’Sullivan
2:26pm National Anthem is played by C.J Kickham Brass Band to conclude the event