4522 employees in Co Tipperary are working in companies that are supported by IDA Ireland in the first six month of 2022.
In Munster the county has the second lowest FDI workforce with Kerry being the worst with 1,968 workers in FDI companies.
Waterford (8,868), Limerick (13,824), Clare (6,924) and Cork (45,604) are all strong both regionally but also nationally.
Nationally the data from the investment agency reports significant investment growth, returning FDI employment creation plans to above the pre-pandemic 2019 record levels, this is despite a continuing challenging global environment.
It aims to create a welcoming environment for foreign direct investiment in all parts of the country with 73 of the 155 investments won being outside of Dublin.
Of those investments the employment potential is over 18,000 jobs, up 9% on the same time last year.
73 were new name investments.