Homeless Figures Reaches Another High Record


There are 7,585 homeless adults and  3,220 children homeless in Ireland according to the August Homeless report published by the Department of Housing today.

The total of 10,805, sets another record and is up by more than 200 on the July figure of 10,568.

County Tipperary has 55 homeless adults, one less than in July.  County Limerick has 327 homeless people, an increase of 20 since July. 

The report shows that there are 1,483 families with 3,220 children accommodated in Emergency accommodation funded by housing authorities.  Figures for the Mid West region show a worsening situation – in July there were 78 families being supported with 145 children. There has been an increase of 7 families now homeless in the Mid West region in August bringing the total of children homeless in the region to 158.

Those homeless are made up of 63% Irish nationals, 21% EEA/UK nationals and the remaining 16% of homeless people come from outside the European Economic Area.