Funeral Arrangements For Fr Loughlin Brennan Announced


The funeral arrangements for Fr Loughlin Brennan have been completed.

Fr Brennan died suddenly on Saturday.

At the time he was parish priest in Murroe Boher parish having previously served his ministry in the Diocese of Cashel and Emly.

The funeral will leave Meehan’s Funeral Home, Newport, tomorrow at 3pm, travelling via 5 Cross Roads, Boher Church and Killanure School, to arrive at the Church of the Holy Rosary, Murroe, Co Limerick, to repose from 4pm until 7pm.

Requiem Mass on Wednesday, 15th June, at 11.30am. Burial afterwards in Loughmore Cemetery, Loughmore, Co Tipperary. 

Donations, if desired may be made to Milford Hospice.

Fr Lott’s funeral Mass will be live streamed on