New Measures Agreed to Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions


EU Transport Ministers today agreed on a range of legally binding measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector in the coming decade.

The new measures are to apply to all Member States. The deal has yet to be approved by the European Parliament.

It includes the roll out of an extensive network of publicly available electric vehicle charging points.

The Irish Government has already committed €100 million to develop a nationwide network of charging points in rural and urban areas by 2025.

Also agreed are new technical standards and mandatory targets for EU airlines’ use of sustainable aviation fuels, and new binding targets for GHG reductions in shipping.

The Union is aiming for a minimum 55% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.

Environment ministers are expected to agree a plan to cease production of cars that use petrol or diesel when they meet later this month.