Tipperary county Council have identified those responsible for dumping raw meat close to the road side near Longstone Lattin near the old Juniors pub.
The material was discovered by a local resident earlier this month and a local knackery was hired to remove the material.
The matter was raised at today’s meeting of the Tipp Cahir Cashel MD by councillor John Crosse.
Marion O’Neill from the Council’s Environment section says those responsible have been asked to cover the costs of the clean up and issued with a warning letter.
The investigation also involved the Dept of Agriculture Veterinary officer and the Food Safety Authority.
The FSAI declined to comment today other than to confirm that they are supporting Tipperary County Council, saying their investigation is ongoing.
An update from Tipperary County Council(TCC) regarding the dumping of meat in west Tipperary earlier this month has confirmed that evidence was found which enabled the guilty party to be identified.
Following a joint interview involving the County Veterinary Officer and an inspector from the Food Safety Authority of Ireland the person admitted responsibility.
After giving consideration to the circumstances the person is under, the admission of guilt and the person taking responsibility for clean-up costs, no legal proceedings will be taken at this time according to Tipperary County Council.
The statement from TCC concludes by saying a warning letter has been drafted to the person notifying them that legal proceedings will be undertaken should they be involved in any future incidents of dumping/dumped meat.
It is understood the person has given assurances that it will never happen again. Cllr John Crosse, Tipperary Cahir Cashel MD has thanked the Council for their handling of the situation.
Mr Crosse said he understood the person responsible for the dumping was not connected to a butcher or abattoir facility and does not live in County Tipperary.