24 Co Tipp Art Groups Receive A Total Of €31,720


Funding for Arts groups across county Tipperary were approved at today’s Tipperary County Council meeting.

A total €31,720 was allocated to 24 groups. Several councillors expressed concerns about the level of funding allocated to Festivals and Events in the County.

Arts officer Melanie Scott reminded councillors that today’s allocation was a different stream than the Festivals and Events Grants.

The importance of festivals for communities, the increasing number of festivals annually and the rising costs of putting on an event meant that the council needs to expand the overall budget according to Councillor Jim Ryan.

Today’s allocations under the Arts Act Grant Scheme which is designed to stimulate public interest in the arts saw sums ranging from €4,500 to €500 allocated to various groups across the entire county. Tipperary Musical Society was allocated €2000 in respect of it’s production costs.  The Arts Officer says that all applicants are planning a return to live in person events this year.