Tipperary-Cahir-Cashel Municipal District has launched a scheme to enhance buildings in designated areas of Cashel, Cahir and Tipperary towns.
A funding stream is available and applications can now be made up to the closing deadline of noon on May 6th.
The works to improve a building can include removal of inappropriate contemporary signage, fittings and general clutter and replacement with shop fascia signage, painting and the inclusion of planters, floral hanging baskets or other environmental improvements.

Residential properties in the designated area are also eligible for the scheme.
Occupiers of properties can make an application with the property owner’s permission.

Priority will be given to first time applicants or properties that detract from the streetscape.
Maximum Grant available is 50% of the approved cost of the works to a maximum of €500 although the limit may be reduced for purchase of flowers, plants etc.
Full details and the online application form can be found here.