Gardaí Looking For Owners Of Possible Stolen Items


Gardaí in Clonmel are looking for the owner(s) of a number of items possibly stolen from a parked car(s) in the Clonmel or Carrick on Suir areas sometime over the last 3 days (14-16th March 2022 incl.)

The property includes:

Set of Rosary Beads
Miniature souvenir bell with “Austria” sticker Garmin Sat-Nav with dash mount. Home location appears to be Dungarvan Road, Clonmel “Ultimate Speed” mini- air-compressor with charger lead and attachments “Twenty” make bicycle brake caliper “Weltec Engineering” hi-viz vest “Onsite” 3m measuring tape

Below are the images of the items:

Any information contact Gardai at Clonmel (052) 6177640