Concern at Number of Children in Hospital with Covid-19


As the Government considers NPHET’s recommendation to relax advice around mask wearing, the number of children being hospitalised with the virus is giving cause for concern.

New figures released by the HSE show that between December 22nd and February 17th, there were 596 children aged 0-14 hospitalised with covid-19.

This figure represents 42% of all hospitalisations in this age group to date since the beginning of the pandemic.

There were 106 children admitted to hospital in the seven days leading up to January 29th, the highest number in one week since the pandemic began.

Vaccination is now available for children aged between 5-11, but to date only 27% of them had been registered to receive one.

For updated and factual Public Health information and advice on COVID-19 Coronavirus, please visit or call 1800 700 700

For the latest information on the Covid-19 Vaccine Programme, please visit