Sinn Fein Disappointed By Reluctance To Provide ASD Unit For Carrick


Sinn Fein says the continued reluctance to provide an ASD unit in Carrick in Suir by the Education Department is disappointing.

Deputy Martin Browne raised the matter in the Dáil last night with Minister Josepha Madigan.

An application submitted by the Gaelscoil in Carrick on Suir was not approved in a response from the Department issued last week.

Parents have expressed concerns about being able to find a place for their children in September.

The view of the National Council for Special Education is that current demand for places is met by classes in the surrounding areas. 

Deputy Browne also raised the current vacancy for the Special Educational Needs Organiser for South Tipperary – this role includes identifying if there is a demand for an ASD unit in the area and liaising with parents and schools to get one established.