Applications for School Transport Scheme Now Open


Parents of children availing of the Bus Éireann primary and post-primary school transport scheme are being advised that applications for the upcoming academic year are now being accepted.

Online applications opened on January 24th.

This means that children starting school in 2022/23, or moving school, including from primary to post-primary school will need to register before Friday, 29th April, 2022 to secure their place.

The School Transport Scheme is the largest of its kind in Europe with more than 122,000 children availing of transport services every day, with no fees to be paid.

The scheme is open to primary students living more than 3.2km away from their school or secondary students who live more than 4.8km from the nearest school.

Bus Éireann has said that any applications that are received after the 29th of April will be deemed late and as a result of this, there is no guarantee that a seat will be available.

Details can be found here.

The Department of Education is currently holding a public consultation on the school transport scheme which will close on February 10th.

Parents can have their say on the school transport scheme here.