Walk-In Vaccination Centre In Clonmel This Weekend


A Walk-In Covid Vaccination Clinic will take place at the Clonmel Park Hotel on Saturday 16th October from 9am to 12pm. No appointment is necessary.  The Covid-19 vaccination administered will be for both first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine and will be available to all those aged 12 years and over. 12 to 15 year olds will need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian as consent will be required.  Registration will take place at the Vaccination Centre (if you have not already registered) and you will need:your personal public service number, photo ID, your eircode, an email address and mobile phone number.

For those attending for a second dose, there are some important points to note:

  • It must be 21 days (or longer) since you received your first dose.
  • You should bring proof of your first dose vaccination (e.g. your vaccination card) and photo ID.

If you have already registered online your details will be available at the Vaccination Centre.

If you have any concerns regarding vaccination you should discuss them with your GP or seek further information on hse.ie

For updated and factual Public Health information and advice on COVID-19 Coronavirus, please visit hse.ie/coronavirus or call 1800 700 700

For the latest information on the Covid-19 Vaccine Programme, please visit hse.ie/covid-19-vaccine